* Denotes required fields.
Dear Alumni,
The Australian Government is committed to partnering with the Bangladeshi government in supporting the development priorities by placing a strong emphasis on protecting the most vulnerable, especially women and girls; people with disabilities and marginalised peoples and communities.
The grant aims to support innovative practices that align with the development priorities of Bangladesh and promote the practice of Gender equality, disability and social inclusion at the workplaces in public, private and NGO sectors.
Individual alums or groups of up to five alumni are invited to apply for grant activity. The grant amount that can be provided for each activity will range from AUD $3,000 – $4000 excluding VAT/TAX (depending on the activity).
Please see details and download application form and attachments at Website Link
Upload your application form and attachments in a single PDF document to this portal by 15 October 2023.
Please contact alumni@australiaawardsbangladesh.org with any questions.
Thank you!
Australia Awards – Bangladesh team.
Please provide the following personal details which are additionally captured in your application form. (Individual alums or Group Lead of the group applicants need to fill this form for grant activity)
Before starting this application, please confirm your eligibility for the Community Development Grant.
It may take a minute or two to upload all the files.
Please note, individual alums or groups of up to five alumni are invited to apply for grant activity. The grant amount that can be provided for each activity will range from AUD $3,000 – $4,000 excluding VAT/TAX (depending on the activity).
Please answer the following brief questions about your grant application. Full details will be included in your grant application.
Before submitting, please take a moment to review this checklist. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the relevant Australia Awards country team at alumni@australiaawardsbangladesh.org
Individual alums or groups of up to five alumni are invited to apply for grant activity. The grant amount that can be provided for each activity will range from AUD $3,000 – $4,000 excluding VAT/TAX (depending on the activity).
1. I/We have read and understood the guidelines contained in Website Link |
2. I/We have read and understood the Financial Guidelines and Requirements |
3. I/We have completed the Application Form fully |
4. I/We have provided a clear description of how the Grant will assist the proposed activity and development of Bangladesh. |
5. I/We have provided a detailed budget |
6. I/We have a National Identity Card, or equivalent |
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